Thursday (16Jan) Evening Update

Tonight's update is "a little good a little bad" (as Lincoln likes to say). 

Let's start with the little bad to end the update on a good note. The tongue procedure turned out to be a little more involved than they had thought. Both wound care and trauma tried to look at it, but Brian kept clenching his jaw so it was hard to tell what was going on in there. They gave Brian some medicine to help them keep his jaw open and prevent him from biting them. When they did finally get in there, there was more necrotic tissue than expected. They got all the necrotic tissue removed which is very good and it definitely needed to be removed. Brian's heart rate has been pretty high the past few days (110s-120s) and is now down (80s-90s). His nurse said that often when heart rate is elevated without other causes it is caused by pain. So most likely his tongue was causing him a lot of pain and now he is more comfortable after his procedure. 

Now for the little good. His CT scan showed he did not have a blockage that would require any surgery. 

Tomorrow I will not have a morning update because I am going to take Lincoln to fun Friday breakfast. I will post something tomorrow though later in the day. 

