Wednesday (15Jan) Update!

This is a photo of all Brian's little support team. He has a squig from the recent D&D campaign he DM'd for his nephew, he has a lego person Lincoln built for him, he has a rubber duck that says "you're ducking great" from Nicole at Sazerac, a macaw squishmellow a friend sent me for Christmas, and a picture of the squig that his neice drew for him. 

Today is going to be a lot of the same. Just waiting for him to wake up. 

Some positives for today are: he is still showing that spontaneous and purposeful movement with his right hand, his eyes are moving (eyes still closed) and blinking, and he is doing a lot of spontaneous breathing (this means that he is breathing on his own with the ventilator for support if he needs it).

There is not much going on around here other than that. Same story really, lots of waiting. He will be moved to the LTAC soon (his nurse said it could be anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks, it all just depends) and we still aren't sure which one, but we're hoping for one in Johnstown since its closer to our house and we know people who have spent some time there and had great things to say. 

Thank you immensely for all the support we have received. I am so beyond grateful, I don't even have words to express my gratitude. 



  1. This is fantastic to hear! 🫢🏻 and what an amazing support team!

  2. So thankful for progress forward every day! Thanks again for your updated Nicole, they are so greatly appreciated!

  3. Amazing, thanks for the update Nicole!


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