Guest Book and Memories!

I actually think this might work better as an entire page instead of just a post for the guestbook. Use this page to share any memories you have of Brian. We can show them to him when he finally wakes up. I will also add some of my own memories in this as well. 

I would also love to read any that are added. It can maybe help me pass the time while in the hospital as well. 

Thank you all for the immense support we have already been shown!


  1. I can start this one. Hard to pick a good one but I've said this one to some of our visitors. I remember when I was pregnant I was saying how I was thinking our son would be so stubborn because we are both pretty stubborn. Brian's response was, "what are you talking about, I'm not stubborn." I rolled my eyes so hard because I don't know if I have ever met anyone as stubborn as him. We have also been joking that is why he is taking him time waking up from his beauty rest.

  2. Another good one: I think it was the very first Christmas Eve we were together, we went to my grandma and grandpa's in Milliken. And it was a big deal. Everybody went. So there were cars everywhere. When we got there Brian parked behind someone else's car with his back end sticking out a little bit. Well a few hours later my uncle just happened to look out the window and see a police car out there with its lights on looking at Brian's car. Brian had to go out and tell the police officer that he was at this house for Christmas Eve and he was supposed to be there. Brian ended up having to move his car down the block. It was just silly and made us all chuckle.

  3. Nicole, I am Devlin Hardy’s mother. Devlin thinks the world of Brian and loves working with him. While I’ve never met tian we keep him in our prayers and in prayer through our church. When Devlin let us know about the accident to sent him this prayer to say and we say it for all of you
    Dear Lord we lift Brian up to you in this time of need. Please surround him with your healing power, grant him strength and comfort as he recovers from this accident, and guide the hands of the medical professionals with him. Provide his family faith and patience for your will. Amen.

    1. Karen, this is Brian’s mom. Thank you for the prayer. Brian is an amazing kid and is friends with everyone!!!

  4. Brian, all of the old baseball team is thinking about you and know you will keep fighting. We are all there with you. Thanks for always being someone to count on for anything to your friends. You have always been kind to everyone around you and I don’t think I have known anyone who didn’t like you. I have so many positive memories with you both on and off the baseball field. Without getting into too much detail, Rhino’s house in the pool room and your bachelor party in Blackhawk are top of mind. As well as spending every day with you on the ballfield and around school, you have always been a great teammate and even better friend. You are too young to go, B-Mac and keep fighting. We all love you and are here for you.

  5. Lincoln told me his favorite memories of Brian are how they always did Fun Friday breakfast. Most of the time was at Gabe's but also sometimes Brian would make Lincoln cinnamon rolls at home.

  6. I’ve had a lot of good times with Brian. A few months ago we got to meet up for the first time in quite a while for a beer and it turned into a couple beers and some margaritas before I had to turn him back over to Nicole. Brian is one of those guys with whom it’s always so easy to pick up right where you left off, even if it’s been years. We’re all rooting for you Brian and Nicole through these difficult days.

  7. Brian was one of my first friends when I got hired at OBC. He oozed confidence and knowledge from the start; I thought he had been there for years. Turns out he was a noobie like me, started a couple months prior. Classic Brian acting like he knows everything. He was who I did my first wholesale ride along with. We spent all day driving, delivering beer, chatting about life and where we were before OBC. I learned about his wife Nicole ("I out kicked my coverage" he'd say) and how he helped out her father every year at the Greeley Stampede. He told me about his love of snowboarding and baseball, never missing opening day at Coors Field, even though the Rockies were not good, he'd always look forward to that weekend. Not long after, he found out I played volleyball and invited me to join the rec league alongside him, Nicole and Jake & Katie Rector. We dominated the North Aztlan court in the winter and the Chipper’s sand court in the summer. Dominated might be a strong description, but let's go with it. Being included meant so much to me and Brian’s welcoming personality made it all happen. Speaking of the Chipper’s sand court, that’s where Brian and Nicole told us they were expecting! The two of them were over the moon and we celebrated with PBR. Nine months and 6 days later they brought Lincoln to OBC and I held a newborn for the first time. Little baby Linc, my only thought was ‘don’t drop the baby!’. Brian was so proud to show him off to anyone and everyone. He would light up when talking about being a father and how much he loves Lincoln. A few years later when my own daughter was born, Brian was the one I texted at all hours of the night asking for advice about my new infant – what did I get myself into?! He would funnel mom questions to Nicole on my behalf, never judging or critical, especially when I asked about 'cry it out'. Nicole and Brian were so supportive and encouraging which meant everything to a new mom. And of course he was, because that is the kind of person Brian is. Always offering to help others. A friend to everyone. We could all be so lucky to come across someone like him in our life. I remember one time Brian brought Linc to OBC – he was probably 5 or 6 – and I offered him some strawberries. He asked me “if I eat some, can I have ice cream after?” and of course I said yes. Who doesn’t want to make a kid’s day by offering ice cream!? Brain – within ear shot – goes “thanks a lot!” in a sarcastic, laughing tone. Now with my own 7-year-old, I get it. My bad Brian! I will wrap it up with a story about last year when I was in Vegas on an OBC girl’s trip and I get a text “Vegas?” – it was Brian. He was in Vegas too with Randy Richards. What were the chances?! The four of us met up and hung out all night. The rest of the city didn't matter, the four of us laughed until our stomachs hurt, stayed up way too late drinking Coors Light by the bucket full. Jessica Moskwa wanted to gamble (big risk for her haha) so Brian placed her $20 on red. It came up black. Jessica wanted to know ‘now what’ and Brain giggled saying ‘that’s it, that’s gambling’! We were cracking up, maybe it was the booze, maybe because it was 4am, but it was the best night and such a core memory with Brian.

    All of this to say, Brian – you are an incredible human who has never met a stranger or a bad time. Your energy is infectious, your loyalty knows no bounds, and your love for Nicole and Lincoln is profound. We are all pulling for you, keep flighting, we love you and cannot wait to hear you laugh again.

  8. Brian is my cousin and some of my favorite memories with him are from our college days, we would head up into the mountains with Rascal Flatts blasting, ready for a day of snowboarding. We obviously loved snowboarding, but the adventure was on the lift ride up with strangers. We would pick fake names, sometimes use accents and elaborate backstories, and see who could tell the wildest story. One time, we said we were long lost cousins who had been reunited on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Another time, we fought the whole way up about who had the craziest family, making up stories from our childhood. The best one was when I pretended to be Swedish and couldn't speak English, so Brian acted as my translator. Of course, he took full advantage of this and started 'translating' that I was hitting on the guy sitting with us and trying to ask him out on a date. Brian made sure it was super awkward, I'm sure the guy couldn't wait to get off the lift!

    This story is just one of many, life is always an adventure with Brian! He has the best sense of humor and never fails to make me laugh! Love you B!!!

  9. Really too many great memories to just pick one, but it's always fun reminiscing on all of the great memories with my cousin Brian! Countless memories growing up of holidays at Uncle Don and Aunt Donna's, street sports games, family games, and anything else the cousin crew came up with along the way. You always knew there was going to be a battle of the ultra competitive (and yes both very stubborn Nicole) McCaw brothers.
    Brian had, and still continues to share, his unmatched love for baseball and the Rockies. I remember driving down to Opening Day one year and Brian and I would quiz each other the entire way down on the Rockies and players stats to see who knew more about our beloved Rockies.
    My favorite thing about Brian is he is one of the most loyal, genuine people I've ever known. Brian was just that person, that I know if I truly ever needed anything, no questions asked he would be there.
    My favorite years have been our years of meeting each others spouses and starting and raising families and making memories with our kids. Our tradition of going to Lake Mac every year with the cousins is a tradition that I am so thankful for and truly treasure. The memories, the laughs, the camp fires, the toad hunting, the mat in the lake, the laid back quality family time, and last but definitely not least Uncle B's breakfast. The first thing my kids say when we talk about going to Lake Mac is "I just can't wait for Uncle B's breakfast!" You have an amazing and beautiful family, and I know being a husband and dad are your two favorite titles in life.

    The prayers have been endless, I know for a fact you are fighter and we are all here cheering for you and supporting you along the way! Love you so much B!

  10. So many memories with my cousin Brian. I loved all of the Holidays we spent together growing up, usually out playing something super competitive in the yard or street, or down in the basement talking about life. Some of my favorite memories were when he would come up and visit us at CSU, we always had the best time. Most recently, our trips to Lake Mac. These trips have truly been some of our favorite memories over the years and ones that our kiddos always talk about throughout the year. Nothing compared to waking up in the morning to Uncle Brian's breakfast. He selflessly wakes up before everyone every single day and has breakfast ready for us when we wake up. Then, the countless hours at the lake and around the campfire at night. I truly cherish all my memories with Brian. Love you so much cuz and incredibly proud of the man, father, husband, cousin, son, friend that you are.

  11. From Ryan Milliken's Parents- Brian, we are cheering you on with positive thoughts, love, and endurance for all! We remember enjoying Brian when they were at UNC together. We are all following your journey of healing.

  12. Brian was a big part of our family from kindergarten thru high school. Sports all the time! I think of him fairly often when I look out the big living room window. He hit a baseball thru it so we got a nice new one that is still going strong. Our thoughts are with you guys for a speedy recovery! If there is anything we can do, just ask!

  13. Brian, I miss ya like crazy buddy. Wish I could get my bear paws on ya (wedding crashers reference, NBD). Having lived with you throughout college, (and fought with you a couple times lol) I know how strong and stubborn you are! I know you’re fighting like crazy. I have so many great memories from our time as roommates, like watching Count of Montecristo and In Bruges every night, catching every Rockies game no matter the consequences, going to Europe together, and taking all the same classes together for three years straight! You’ll always have a special place in my heart buddy. Carissa and I, and both our families, are sending love and prayers your way.

    1. Oh man these movies! Brian still loves them and I just don't get it. Definitely something I completely forgot about until you just bought it up. Haha.

  14. My husband Pat & I was fortunate and delighted to work with Brian at the Greeley Stampede. The Brew Crew worked our butts off delivering beer throughout the grounds. No matter how many kegs we “team lifted “, Brian would come along and manhandle two or three kegs at a time, putting them on a two wheeler and move them into a cooler all by himself!! His drive and determination and work ethic was unobtainable for the rest of us!!

    We had so much fun!!! We worked hard but always felt appreciated by Brian!!!

    Lincoln was a baby and came to the Stampede wearing a custom “Stampede Saloon” onesie. Brian LOVES that boy and was so proud to have Lincoln there and posing with the “Brew Crew”!!!

    I have pictures I’d like to share, but was unable to upload them.

    Brian, I hope you can draw on that drive, determination and work ethic to make a full recovery. You are in our prayers and we know you will do this!!!
    We love you, Nicole and Lincoln!

  15. I just keep thinking about how Brian always says “Sup Soph” when he’d see me. He always called me out on everything too, ha! At times, I really hated it. He’s like an older brother, and has always been in that protector role. So many good times with Brian. Lucky to have know him for 32+ years! Mostly, I cherish Brian because of how good of a friend he has been to my brother. He is loyal, and trustworthy, and just a dang good guy. I’m so proud of you, the man you are, right this second. You’re healing all of us in this journey, not just yourself. We love you more than any of these words, and I’m sure you can feel that.

  16. Hi Brian! Thinking of you and your family during this challenging time. We are so grateful for your contributions to our industry and the connections you fostered from Odell to Encompass Technologies and beyond! Sending our best wishes for strength and healing. From all of us at Encompass, with a small donation to support Brian's medical care, get well soon brother!!


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